Welcome to NURA!

A training portal for New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Applications

New Approach Methodology (NAM) Use for Regulatory Application (NURA) is a continuing education program designed to provide professionals in the field of toxicology with specialized resources and basic hands-on training in nonanimal new approach methodologies. NURA offers trainings, seminars, and other events to encourage the use of nonanimal approaches within various regulatory frameworks. In 2018, NURA kicked off its inaugural event with a training geared toward nonanimal NAM use under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). TSCA includes historic provisions to replace and reduce the use of animals in chemical testing.

Our ongoing goal is to unite industry, government, academia, and other interested stakeholders to promote regulatory NAM development and implementation via trainings and seminars. Once checked against the requirements of various domestic and international certifying and licensing boards, attendance or participation at NURA events can be applied toward continuing education credits.

Additional NURA courses will continue to be added.

Looking for something else? Check out www.pcrm.org/NURA or contact us at NURA@pcrm.org. 

Earn a certificate for each completed course

Take as many or as few courses as you like

Each course features leading scientists and regulatory experts